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For Gina On Her Birthday

For Gina on her Birthday

And to think, I could have lived my whole life without her. 
Without feeling the flush of warmth as she steals a glance my way. 
Without seeing her body so beautiful stretched out before mine.
Without smelling her bouquet of pheromones, the perfect pairing.
Without hearing her voice whisper my name in the same breath as love. 
Without snuggling in the comfort of her arms and finding them home. 
Without experiencing the orgasmic excitement of her sensuality.
Without knowing the sublime contentment of her companionship.
Without waking each morning cheek to cheek—whispering merry Christmas to me.
Be still my heart, today we celebrate the cusp of twelve magical years together.  
This faerie born in the seam between spring and summer three days after solstice.
Even the mighty Helios climbed the zenith to fete her birth. As do I.
And to think, I could have lived my whole life without her.